Congratulations to Julia Martin on the funding of her research from Save Mount Diablo's Mary Bowerman Science and Research Grant: Plant Diversity and Ecology in Rock Pools of the Diablo Range (12/6)
Upcoming talks in November: SSU and CSUSB talks on Fulbright , EBRPD on rock pools, and Garden Club of So Cal on carnivorous and parasitic plants (9/28)
Jamie will be speaking at the CSUS-USGS Colloquium on April 25 flyer (4/20)
Congratulations to Scott and Eileen! Scott won first place and Eileen second place awards at the CSUS Research Symposium. Scott heads to the Annual CSU Student Research Competition in San Diego in April! ! (3/7)
Jamie and Jasmine will be giving talks at SERCAL in April (3/6)
Scott will be presenting his exit seminar on 4/20 flyer (4/14)
Congratulations to Eileen and Scott on giving talks at the CSUS Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium (3/6)
Jamie will be speaking about carnivorous and parasitic plants to the CSUS Plant Club on March 9 (2/18)
Welcome to the new undergrad researchers in the lab: Ryan Dooley, Minh Nguyen, Hailey Odell, Julia Martin, Abuzar Tanveer (2/9)
Epele + 25 co-authors "Perils of life on the edge: climatic threats on global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates" published at Science of the Total Environment (1/25)
Congratulations to Melanie and Abdul on graduating! Melanie will be back in Fall starting the MS program! (5/13)
Monica starts her pilot study of fire retardant effects on vernal pool communities (3/2)
Hannah and Scott present their thesis research at the Sac State Research Forum (11/5)
Jamie will be talking at the Environmental Sciences-Geology-USGS Colloquium on 10/26: flyer (10/25)
Congratulations to Mike Cardwell (former grad student) on his forthcoming book on Mohave Rattlesnakes (10/26)
Latitudinal diversity gradient of plant functional groups in California vernal pools talk presented at the ESA Meeting 2021 with co-authors Vincent Chen (undergrad), Nina Tortosa (grad student), and Jennifer Buck-Diaz (CNPS) (8/4)
Sean will be giving a talk on his Master's research at the Wildlife Society on May 20: flyer (5/18)
Congratulations to Sean (M.S.) and Vincent (B.S.) on graduating this Spring 2021 semester! (5/10)
Congratulations to Sean on the outstanding seminar and completion of his thesis! (4/22)
Congratulations to Scott on his successful advancement! (4/5)
Congratulations to Scott being awarded 2nd place for his talk at the CSUS Student Research & Creative Activity Spring Symposium! (3/15)
Congratulations to Melanie D. on acceptance into the Spring 2021 Science Educational Equity (SEE) IRA Research Program! (2/9)
Bushy Lake sampling has begun! It's been great finally getting out in the field! (9/25)
Vincent will be presenting his research poster this Friday! His summer project focused on factors affecting spatial plant diversity in vernal pools across California (8/12)
We are saddened by the recent passing of friend/mentor/collaborator, Leon Blaustein (7/1)
We will soon be starting work on our 3-year collaborative grant (PI: Michelle Stevens, CSUS Environmental Studies) from the State of California Wildlife Conservation Board: Bushy Lake Conceptual Restoration Plan, Sacramento County. (6/18)
Welcome to summer undergraduate research students, Melanie Oxley, Vincent Chen, and Adam Archuleta! (6/12)
Congratulations to Sean for passing his advancement! (4/6)
Scott gave a great talk on density dependence in VP tadpole shrimp at the 2020 Student Research & Creative Activity Spring Symposium (3/9)
Happy New Year! Winter rains are here and studies underway: rock pool study continues, Sean initiating his thesis project comparing natural, constructed, and restored vernal pools, and Nina conducting a pilot study of the effects of competition on fairy shrimp (12/30)
Congratulations to Randall on passing his exit seminar and thesis submission! (12/4)
Ozeri et al paper, Effects of a fire-retardant on the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata larvae development and oviposition habitat selection accepted at Ecological Entomology (10/9)
Rosenfeld et al rock pool mosquito paper is out in Hydrobiologia (9/24)
Many talks this fall: CA-SFS (on fire retardants), UGA Dept of Entomology (on latitudinal diversity gradients), ENV SCI-Geology Colloquium (on global seasonal wetland ecology) , Sacramento Carnivorous Plant & Bromeliad Society (carnivorous & parasitic plants) (9/10)
Global Temporary Pond Ecology Seminar in the CSUS-USGS Colloquium on November 19
Rock Pool Branchinecta Conservation talk at East Bay Stewardship Council on November 13
Latitudinal Biodiversity Gradient in Vernal Pools Seminar at University of Georgia's Department of Entomology on November 4
Fire Retardant Effects on Temporary Pond Ecology talk at the CA Society of Freshwater Science Conference (UC Davis) on October 23
Carnivorous and Parasitic Plants talk at Sacramento Bromeliad and Carnivorous Plant Society on October 16
Welcome to new graduate students in Fall 2019: Hannah Savage, Nina Tortosa, and Scott Whitman! (9/1/19)
Latitudinal diversity talk on Sept 27 in the department
Jamie will be giving a talk on carnivorous and parasitic plants to the El Dorado Chapter of the CNPS on 7/23 (7/8)
Jamie gave the talk, Endanegered Branchinecta Ecology in Rock Pool Metacommunitiesat the SFS Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City (5/24)
Congratulations to Kevin on passing his exit seminar (Hydrology, environment, and community structure associated with Branchinecta lynchi occurrence in freshwater rock pools) (5/10) pic
Jamie will be speaking at the CSU-WRPI Conference on The Effects of Fire Retardants in Mediterranean Aquatic Ecosystems on 4/25. This is a Fulbright research collaboration (4/13)
Congratulations to Alexa on being awarded the Smithson Math/Science Scholarship and the Jane Bruner Scholarship for Academic Excellence!(4/11)
Jamie will be giving a talk today on vernal pool ecology for Mira Loma High School's Arcade Creek Project (11/27)
Jamie will be giving a talk on Middle East wildlife encountered on sabbatical for the Sacramento-Shasta Chapter of the Wildlife Society on 11/15: link (10/20)
Jamie gave a talk in the CSUS STEM Lecture Series Here Today-Gone Tomorrow: A Global Perspective of Seasonal Wetlands (flyer, link)
Tia and Sean will be giving posters and Jamie will be giving a talk at the Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Preserve Science Symposium on 4/12 (4/2)
Casey has been accepted to the NSF CHANGE RaMP Program at NDSU, congratulations! (3/12)